People Living in Harmony Becomes The Spirit for The 74th Charity Day Commemoration of The Ministry of Religious Affairs
PALANGKA RAYA – BUREAU OF PROTOCOL AND PUBLIC COMMUNICATION. Minister of Religious Affairs Fachrul Razi said that the commemoration of Charity Day of the Ministry of Religious Affairs was a milestone of important events that had a special meaning for Indonesian who upheld the principles and values of religious life. The 74th commemoration of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Central Kalimantan Provincial Level in 2020 was held in Sanaman Mantikei Stadium, Palangka Raya, Friday (3/1/2020).
“The Ministry of Religious Affairs was formed on January 3, 1946 in the midst of the physical revolution of Indonesian people maintaining independence from colonialism. The Ministry of Religious Affairs is present in the context of implementing Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution. The Constitution of our State, article 29, affirms that the State is based on the Almighty God and the State guarantees the independence of each person to embrace their respective religions and to worship according to their religion and belief,“ said Minister Fachrul Razi in a speech read by the Secretary of Central Kalimantan Province Fahrizal Fitri.
The Minister of Religious Affairs further said that in this state that is based on Pancasila, anyone with any reason is not permitted to carry out anti-religious propaganda, defamation of religious teachings and religious symbols, broadcast religion by force, as well as expressions of hatred and violence against adherents of different religions. “Likewise, all government policies must not conflict with the rules of religion and state ideology,” he added.
The founders of the State of Indonesia said the Minister of Religious Affairs, introduced “accommodation theory” regarding the relationship between religion and state. This theory complements the existing theories, namely “the theory of integration” or the union of religion with the State and the “theory of secularization” or the separation of religion from the state. “I need to emphasize here that the strengthening of religious identity and the strengthening of national identity must not be separated, let alone be contested, but must be in “one box“ to create religious and state moderation,” he stressed.
The Minister of Religious Affairs added, the strengthening of religious identity when separated from the spirit of the state can create religious radicalism. Conversely, strengthening a national identity if separated from religious spirit can provide opportunities for the development of secularism and liberalism.
In line with the Charity Day theme of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in 2020, namely “People Living in Harmony, Indonesia Moving Advanced”, the Minister of Religious Affairs invites all levels of the Ministry of Religious Affairs both in central level and regional level to become agents of change in strengthening harmony among religious communities in this country. In this case, the Ministry of Religious Affairs carries out two strategic functions, namely the function of religion and the function of education.
The Minister of Religious Affairs also invited the Ministry of Religious Affairs throughout Indonesia to understand the history, regulations, duties and functions of ministries in the context of religious and state relations; to maintain idealism, honesty, integrity and work culture; always to instill that work is worship and to serve the community is a glory; to strengthen the development ecosystem in the field of religion among sectors and stakeholders; to embrace all groups and potentials of the people in the spirit of togetherness, harmony, unity, and religious moderation in line with the philosophy of Pancasila; and to implement the Government’s Vision and Mission into the ministry’s work programs.
Central Kalimantan Secretary Fahrizal Fitri, was met after the event hoped the role of the Ministry of Religious Affairs would progress in the future in building spirit and harmony among the people. “This is the initial foundation on which every individual, every citizen, every Indonesian has the right to choose their religion and practice that choice. We, together with the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Central Kalimantan Provincial level, are ready to safeguard because with diversity, we form peace. With peace, harmony exists and development is even more advanced. We do not want Central Kalimantan to be separated over matters relating to religious issues and radicalism. Especially, soon we will face the 2020 elections, “ said the Secretary.
Secretary added, based on the Diversity Index, Central Kalimantan is among the best. “We hope with the Diversity Index, our Indonesian Democracy Index is also good, so this should be an example for other regions. We hope with harmony and peace, investment will develop because it is part of the indicators which make people attracted to invest, “ he added.
On the same occasion, the Regional Office Head of Ministry of Religious Affairs in Central Kalimantan Provincial Level H. Masrawan stressed that his office was determined to advance and implement religious moderation and suppress radicalism. “By conveying religious moderation and not radicalism, I hope that religious communities in Central Kalimantan will remain harmonious and peaceful,” he said.
The Regional Office Head also urged all people to remain harmonious and peaceful in order to maintain mutual integrity related to the implementation of the elections. As for all State Civil Apparatuses and all employees of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Central Kalimantan Province, the Regional Office requested the discipline and service to the community to be improved.
Meanwhile, Vice Mayor of Palangka Raya Hj. Umi Mastikah said that the theme of the commemoration this time gave a special spirit to life as religious people. “Of course, from the vision and mission of Palangka Raya Mayor, which are towards the advanced, harmonious and prosperous City of Palangka Raya for all, there is stated that what is the message of harmony is in the hopes of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. As a partner in fostering the community, facing any situation, be it the elections and other matters, of course maintaining mutual synergy between the government and the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Regional Leadership Coordination Forum elements,“ she explained.
The Vice Mayor expressed her gratitude that Palangka Raya from year to year is getting better as a miniature of Unity in Diversity. “So, I am in no doubt that Palangka Raya is a miniature of harmony itself,” she concluded.
The 74th Anniversary of the Ministry of Religious Affairs at the Provincial Level in Central Kalimantan in 2020, among others, is part of the awarding of Satyalancana Karya Satya Award for 30 years of service to 6 employees, 20 years to 21 employees, and 10 years to 46 employees. The embedding of Merit Badge was carried out by Secretary of Central Kalimantan as the Inspector of the Ceremony accompanied by, among others, the Rector of IAIN Palangka Raya and the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Central Kalimantan. In addition, the activities were also parts of the delivery of the 2019 Regional Office Award to 33 outstanding employees. (ran/eka/translated by feb)