Food Packages again Being Distributed to Kapuas Regency

KUALA KAPUAS – PROTOCOL AND PUBLIC COMMUNICATION BUREAU. Governor of Central Kalimantan, H. Sugianto Sabran and the Chairman of Dayak Indigenous Council (DAD) of Central Kalimantan Province, H. Agustiar Sabran handed over aid to DPC PDI Perjuangan to Kapuas Regency as many as 1,500 food packages that were symbolically handed over by the Chairperson of Young Volunteer Team for Sugianto Sabran, H. Nurullah Adi and was welcomed by the Chairman of PDI-P DPC of Kapuas Regency, Yohanes, ST accompanied by the board members who were also members of Kapuas Representatives Council, Ir. Thosiba Limin, Franco B. Dehen, SE, and Agus Gerung, A.Md, took place at the PDI-P Office of Kapuas Regency, Jalan Jawa, Kapuas Regency, Saturday (05/02/2020).
“In accordance with his mandate that this assistance is a form of his concern and attention, it is certainly expected to ease the burden of the community, including the officials of PDI-P Kapuas from districts, sub-districts, to villages,” said H. Nurullah Adi.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of DPC Yohanes, ST, was accompanied by the board Ir. Thosiba Limin, Franco B. Dehen, SE, and Agus Gerung, A.Md said that the board of DPC PDI Perjuangan of Kapuas Regency expressed their highest gratitude and appreciation to the Chairman of Central Kalimantan DAD who is also a member of the Indonesian Representatives Council, H. Agustiar Sabran as well as H. Sugianto Sabran for providing 1,500 food packages.
“We feel this assistance is very useful to ease the burden during the Covid-19 outbreak,” said Yohanes. (ist/translated by feb)