Central Kalimantan Governor Asks Kapuas Regent to Implement Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) Consistently

PALANGKA RAYA – PROTOCOL AND PUBLIC COMMUNICATION BUREAU. Until now as globally, Covid-19 Pandemic has not shown signs of a significant decline, especially in Central Kalimantan Province. As of today, Friday, June 12, 2020, Central Kalimantan Task Force for Covid-19 Handling Acceleration released a total of 563 positive confirmed cases of Covid-19. This figure places the position of Central Kalimantan in the top 15 provinces in Indonesia with the most sufferers on the official National Covid-19 GTPP website https://covid19.go.id/. Based on the Covid-19 Patient Distribution Data in Central Kalimantan, Palangka Raya City and Kapuas Regency rank as the first and second largest contributors to positive numbers with 191 people and 106 people respectively. The total number of Covid-19 patients who died totaled 30 with the most deaths are in Kapuas Regency (14 people) and Palangka Raya (10 people).
In connection with the increasingly crucial situation in Kapuas Regency, the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) in Kapuas Regency by Central Kalimantan Governor H. Sugianto Sabran as the Task Force Chairman for Covid-19 Handling Acceleration through Darliansjah, the on duty Chairperson asked Kapuas Regent to follow up on a number of things.
Central Kalimantan Governor’s directions include (1) applying PSBB consistently, decisively and humanistly in accordance with Kapuas Regency Regulations and other relevant regulations; (2) increasing efforts to accelerate the termination of Covid-19 spread in Kapuas Regency area by strategic steps such as conducting detailed mapping of the distribution of Covid-19 positive confirmation cases and conducting rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) proportionally in mapped areas; (3) improving health service facilities and health workers in Hospitals and Community Health Centers.
Most of the positive confirmation cases of Covid-19 in Kapuas Regency were referred to be treated at Dr. Doris Sylvanus Hospital. At present the total number of patients treated at the dr. Doris Sylvanus Hospital is almost near the maximum capacity. In addition, the medical personnel will experience work overload and psychologically deal with patients exposed to Covid-19 if it continues in the long run.
Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto also explicitly asked Kapuas Regent in the context of handling Covid-19 data-based and scientific analysis to input data into an application named Bersatu Lawan Covid as an analytical basis for making strategic decisions in accelerating the handling of Covid-19. (renn/rik/sop/bow/udn/translated by feb)