Central Kalimantan Provincial Secretary Fahrizal Fitri Witnesses Inauguration of Seruyan Regional Secretary
HANAU – ADMINISTRATION LEADERSHIP BUREAU. Provincial Secretary Fahrizal Fitri, representing Central Kalimantan Governor attended the Inauguration and Oath-taking of Seruyan Regional Secretary, which was held at the Badminton Sports Building (GOR), Hanau District , on Tuesday morning, February 16, 2021.
Djainu’ddin Noor was officially inaugurated and took an oath as Regional Secretary of Seruyan by the Regent of Seruyan Yulhaidir. This event was attended by Provincial Secretary of Central Kalimantan Fahrizal Fitri and Seruyan Regency Inspector Agus Suharto who acted as witnesses. In addition to the inauguration of Seruyan Regional Secretary Djainu’ddin Noor, Regent Yulhaidir on that occasion also inaugurated and took oath for a number of Structural Officials of Seruyan Regency Government.
The inauguration of Regional Secretary of Seruyan has been held through procedures according to the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations. It was started with an Open Selection, and then it received a recommendation from State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) Number: B-681 / KASN / 2/2021 of February 9, 2021 on the Recommendations for Open Selection Results of Regional Secretary and 5 (five) year of Performance Evaluation Results of High Official of Seruyan Regency, until finally the Central Kalimantan Governor’s Approval Letter Number: 800/81 / II / BKD of February 15, 2021 on the Approval of Appointment and Inauguration of Regional Secretary of Seruyan Regency was issued.
On this occasion, Provincial Secretary Fahrizal Fitri expressed his congratulations and hopes for the inauguration of Seruyan Regional Secretary and other structural officials. “Congratulations and success to Regional Secretary and all structural officials who are inaugurated today, I am sure and believe that you can do your responsibilities well. Keep improving your performance and guidance to all State Civil Apparatus (ASN), maintaining togetherness and synergy in carrying out duties and dedication, “he said.
Central Kalimantan Provincial Secretary Fahrizal Fitri then asked the Seruyan Regional Secretary who had just been inaugurated to immediately take coordination steps related to government and development programs as well as the budget. “With this mandate, I ask Mr. Djainu’ddin to immediately carry out his duties with regard to implementing development programs, activity budgets, and coordinating with all Regional Institutions of Seruyan Regency,” said Secretary Fahrizal Fitri.
Provincial Secretary Fahrizal Fitri also reminded Seruyan Regional Secretary Djainu’ddin Noor on refocusing the budget for handling COVID-19 pandemic which is currently being faced. “With regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, of course it is a challenge for all of us. I remind you regarding the budget, as the Head of TAPD Seruyan Regency, to pay attention to the budget refocusing plan, “said Central Kalimantan Provincial Secretary.
Central Kalimantan Provincial Secretary also explained, based on the results of a meeting through a Video Conference with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Ministry of National Development Planning, that in 2021 there will be budget refocusing. “It has to be wisely conducted so that, on one hand our budget goes down; it is during a pandemic, and on another hand we have to run the development process, provide services to the community,” said Provincial Secretary Fahrizal Fitri.
Meanwhile, Regent Seruyan Yulhaidir in his remarks expressed the same thing as what was conveyed by the Central Kalimantan Provincial Secretary Fahrizal Fitri, so that the Regional Secretary Djainu’ddin Noor to immediately coordinate with the ranks of Regional Apparatus and also Regional Leadership Coordination Forum. “My message is to the Regional Secretary, whom I just inaugurated today, to immediately carry out the task as well as possible, immediately coordinate, communicate with the ranks of Regional Institutions of Seruyan Regency as well as with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum.
Regent Yulhaidir also hopes that Regional Secretary and all Structural Officials of Seruyan Regency who have just been inaugurated will be able to carry out their mandate properly. “I wish success to all of you whom I just inaugurated today, the position you have now is a mandate,” concluded Regent Seruyan Yulhaidir. (set /dmr/translated by feb)