Task Force Team Submits Special Provisions for People Entering Central Kalimantan Province During Covid-19 Pandemic
PALANGKA RAYA – EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION BUREAU. The Public Communication Team of Central Kalimantan Covid-19 Handling Task Force delivered a Press Release on the progress of handling Covid-19 until Thursday (03/06/2021) at 15.00 p.m.
In a statement released this time, the Covid-19 Handling Task Force submitted Governor’s Circular Letter Number 443.1/69/Covid-19 Task Force of May 31, 2021 on Special Provisions for People Entering Central Kalimantan Province during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic. The route of people entering the territory of Central Kalimantan Province is the movement of people entering the administrative area of Central Kalimantan Province by using private or public transportation modes, either by land (road), sea, river, lake, ferry, and air.
The established protocols are, as follows:
1. Every individual who travels to enter the Central Kalimantan Province must implement and comply with the 4M health protocols, namely wearing a mask, washing hands with soap or using hand sanitizer, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds;
2. Tightening people’s travel health protocols that need to be carried out in the form of:a. The use of masks must be done properly covering the nose and mouth;b. The types of masks used by travelers are 3-ply cloth masks or medical masks;c. It is not allowed to speak one way or two ways by telephone or in person throughout the trip by public transportation modes of land, sea, river, lake, ferry, and air; andd. It is not allowed to eat and drink during the flight trip less than 2 hours, except for individuals who are obliged to take drugs for treatment; if it is not done can endanger the safety and health of the person.
3. Travelers entering the Central Kalimantan Province must follow special provisions, as follows:
a. Travelers by land transportation (public transportation and private transportation) are required to show a certificate of negative RT-PCR test/rapid antigen test results whose samples were taken within a maximum period of 1×24 hour before departure or a certificate of negative results for the GeNose C19 test as requirement for continuing the trip;
b. Travelers by air transportation are required to show a certificate of negative RT-PCR test/rapid test antigen whose sample was taken within a maximum period of 1×24 hour before departure or a certificate of negative result for GeNose C19 test at the airport before departure as a travel requirement and fill out an e-mail address -HAC Indonesia;
c. Travelers by sea transportation are required to show a certificate of negative RT-PCR test/rapid test antigen whose sample is taken within a maximum period of 1×24 hour before departure or a certificate of negative result for GeNose C19 test at the port before departure as a travel requirement and fill out an e-mail address. HAC Indonesia;
d. Travelers by sea crossing (using ferry) are required to show a certificate of negative RT-PCR test/rapid test antigen whose samples were taken within a maximum period of 1×24 hour before departure or a certificate of negative result of GeNose C19 test at the port before departure as a travel requirement and fill out an e-mail address. HAC Indonesia;
e. Travel agents for logistics distribution services are not required to show a certificate of negative results from the RT-PCR test/rapid test antigen/GeNose C19 test as a condition of travel;
f. Children under 5 years of age are not required to undergo the RT-PCR test/rapid test antigen/GeNose C19 test as a condition of travel;
g. If the results of the RT-PCR test/rapid test antigen/GeNose C19 test are negative but shows symptoms, then the travelers are not allowed to continue the trip and are required to carry out an RT-PCR diagnostic test and self-isolation during the waiting time for the results of the examination;
h. Travelers are required to undergo quarantine in a place provided or determined by the local government/company/business entity/private sector at independent cost for 5X24 hours;
i. Foreign nationality (foreigners) are required to undergo quarantine in a place provided or determined by the regional government/company/business entity/private sector at their own expense for 10X24 hours;
j. Travelers who stay at hotels/inns/guesthouses/other similar facilities are required to show a certificate of negative results from the RT-PCR test/rapid test antigen/GeNose C19 test whose samples were taken within a maximum of 12 hours before check-in as a condition of stay;
k. The mandatory quarantine provisions are excluded for travelers of logistics distribution services, travel with urgent needs, including: official travel (Armed Force/Polices/Civil Servants/State-owned Enterprise/ Regional-owned Enterprise), sick family visits, funeral visits for deceased family members, pregnant women accompanied by 1 person family member, the childbirth accompanied by 2 people, and certain other interests that are accompanied by a travel certificate or a certificate of execution of duties;
l. Regents/Mayor as the Heads of Regency/Municipality’s Task Force throughout Central Kalimantan are following up on this Circular by issuing a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Handling Incoming Persons Travel and Quarantine in Regency/Municipality areas;
m. Regional apparatus that carries out functions related to land/sea/air transportation will follow up this Circular Letter by issuing SOPs for Special Provisions for Travel of People Entering Central Kalimantan Province by referring to this Circular Letter and the laws and regulations.
This Circular Letter is effective starting on June 2, 2021 until a later time is determined according to the needs and/or with the latest development in the field. With the issuance of this Circular, the Circular Letter of Governor of Central Kalimantan Number 443.1/40/Covid-19 Task Force of April 13, 2021 on Special Provisions for Travel of People Entering Central Kalimantan Province during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic is declared revoked and not applicable.
It was also conveyed that every day, the number of positive confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Central Kalimantan was always increasing. People at high risk are those who have comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and kidney failure. Then, people who have a low immune system, the elderly who are over 60 years old, and those who are obese or overweight.
Therefore, receiving vaccinations and having healthy behavior and implementing the 4M health protocols are considered to be very important prevention efforts. The Covid-19 prevention strategy by the Central Kalimantan Covid-19 Handling Task Force for Behavior Change is focused on increasing 4M compliance. Everyone must be willing and able to make changes in 4M compliance behavior, so as to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.
Furthermore, the development of Central Kalimantan Covid-19 data was conveyed today, where there were 128 additional Confirmation Cases, namely in Palangka Raya (32 people), East Kotawaringin (45 people), West Kotawaringin (30 people), Lamandau (1 person), Sukamara (1 person), Seruyan (27 people), Pulang Pisau (7 people), Kapuas (1 person), Gunung Mas (1 person), South Barito (5 people), Katingan (1 person), and Murung Raya (2 people), bringing the total from 22,651 people to 22,779 people.
There are 100 recovered patients, namely in Palangka Raya (33 people), East Kotawaringin (32 people), West Kotawaringin (22 people), Sukamara (2 people), Seruyan (3 people), Pulang Pisau (1 person), Kapuas (5 people) and South Barito (2 people), the total is 20,982 people.
Suspect cases have decreased by 53 people, to 319 people. There are no additional Probable Cases, there are still 96 people. There were additional 27 Patients Under Treatment, from 1,162 people to 1,189 people. There was an addition of 1 person in the case of death, namely in West Kotawaringin, from 607 people to 608 people with a mortality rate (CFR) of 2.7%. (win/translated by feb)