3 Principal Keys to Overcome Pandemic: Safety, Faith, and Immunity

PALANGKA RAYA – EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION BUREAU. Covid-19 Handling Task Force of Central Kalimantan delivered a press release on the progress of handling Covid-19 on Friday (2/7/2021). Covid-19 Task Force Team of Central Kalimantan said that there were still some people who were lack of awareness to comply with 4M principles: wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds.
In addition to implementing the 4M health protocol, the Covid-19 Task Force Team of Central Kalimantan also conveyed 3 principal keys: Safety, Faith, and Immunity to overcome Covid-19 pandemic. Quoted from the Guidelines for Behavior Change for Handling Covid-19, Faith is worshiping according to one’s religion and belief, while Safety is complying with the Covid-19 prevention health protocol which is often known as 3M (wearing mask, keeping a distance and avoiding crowds, and washing hands with soap) and Immunity is having enough rest, exercising regularly, not panicking, having fun, and having a balanced nutritious diet.
The Covid-19 prevention strategy by Covid-19 Handling Task Force of Central Kalimantan for Behavior Change is focused on increasing 4M compliance. Everyone must be willing and able to make changes in 4M compliance behavior, so as to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus or Corona Virus attacks human respiratory system and causes mild to severe disorders, even death. Covid-19 can attack anyone without exception, including young people. This group has better immunity so they may be exposed without showing symptoms (asymptomatic), but it is dangerous and can cause death for those around them (the silent killer).
Covid-19 is transmitted through the droplets of saliva that a person releases from the mouth or nose when sneezing, coughing, or even talking. “Droplets can fall and stick to objects around us. Therefore, when we hold these objects, our hands have the potential to become a transmission line for Covid-19 if they touch the nose, mouth and eyes,” explained the Task Force Team.
The Covid-19 Handling Task Force Team of Central Kalimantan conveyed the amount of accumulated data until today, Friday (2/7/2021), where positive confirmed of Covid-19 patients in Central Kalimantan increased by 210 people, with a total of 26140 cases. The addition of patients who were declared cured was 83 people, with a total of 23435 cases. And, 10 patients were declared dead, bringing the total to 703, with a case fatality rate (CFR) of 2.7%.In the press release, the Covid-19 data was again conveyed, where as many as 13 regencies and 1 municipality have been affected. Confirmation cases increased to 210 people, namely in Palangka Raya (78 people), Katingan (1 person), East Kotawaringin (11 people), West Kotawaringin (40 people), Lamandau (51 people), Sukamara (14 people), Kapuas (14 people), and Murung Raya (1 person), from 25930 people to 26140 people in total. There were an additional 83 people recovered, namely in Palangka Raya (30 people), East Kotawaringin (34 people), West Kotawaringin (2 people), Lamandau (8 people), Kapuas (4 people), South Barito (2 people), North Barito (2 people), and Murung Raya (1 person), from 2,3352 people to 23435 people in total. Suspected cases have increased by 117 people, from 430 people to 547 people in total. There are no additional Probable Cases, so it remains 99 people. There were 117 people increased under treatment, from 1885 people to 2002 people in total.
Furthermore, the Neighborhood (RT) Zoning of Active Cases experienced an addition of 60 RTs, from 8 RTs for Red Zone (0.07%) to 8 RTs (0.07%), 34 RTs for Orange Zone (0.29%) to 42 RTs (0.36%), and 492 RTs for Yellow Zone (4.22%) to 544 RTs (4.66%). The achievement of vaccination target, namely Health Care Phase I at 108.62% and Phase II at 101.67%, Public Service Phase I at 140.57% and Phase II at 57.15%, and Elderly Phase I at 33.28% and Phase II of 11.63%.
The Covid-19 Task Force Team of Central Kalimantan reminded all Central Kalimantan people to continue to comply with health protocols and break the chain of Covid-19 transmission. “For people who are not aware of the health protocol, remember! It is mandatory for 4M; wear masks, wash hands, maintain distance, and avoid crowds so that this Covid-19 will soon end in Central Kalimantan and throughout the whole world,” said the Task Force Team. (rick/translated by feb)