Deputy Governor Inspects Implementation of P3K Teacher Selection Phase II at Senior High School (SMA) 3 Palangka Raya

PALANGKA RAYA – EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION BUREAU. Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan Edy Pratowo accompanied by the Head of Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) of Central Kalimantan Province Lisda Arriyana, inspected the implementation of Selection of Government Employees with Work Agreement (PPPK) for Teachers Phase II which was held at the Competency Test (TUK) location SMAN 3 Palangka Raya, Wednesday (8/12/2021).
The Phase II selection was held for four days, starting from Tuesday (7/12/2021) to Friday (10/12/2021) with a total of 414 participants. Every day the participants who take part in the selection stage are divided into two sessions, starting at 08.00-11.00 a.m. and continuing at 02.00-05.00 p.m.
Regarding the visit, Deputy Governor Edy Pratowo expressed his support. “Today, we inspected the implementation of the selection for P3K specifically for teachers in our Education Office. This selection is divided into several stages: the first and second stage. We support, fully support, give encouragement so that the employees under agreement who have worked for a long time can pass the test as the P3K employees. So, there is a guarantee for their enthusiasm in working and serving for such a long time, even there are some who have worked for decades,” said the Deputy Governor in an interview session with media after the inspection.
Furthermore, the Deputy Governor assessed that the atmosphere at the competency test location was also good and comfortable, and the laboratory computers were adequate for the selection of P3K teachers.
The selection of P3K teachers is one of the efforts of the Ministry of Culture, Research and Technology to improve the welfare and quality of honorary teachers in Indonesia. To qualify as P3K teachers, participants must go through a series of competency tests. From the results of the P3K test, the competency qualifications of the teachers will be obtained to be mapped to their respective fields. (dew/soup/eka/translated by feb)