Governor Sugianto Sabran Hands Over Budget Implementation List (DIPA) and Ttansfer Allocations to Regions and Village Funds (TKDD) 2022 to Regents/Mayor and Ministry/Institution Work Units in Central Kalimantan Province
PALANGKA RAYA – EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION BUREAU. Central Kalimantan Governor H. Sugianto Sabran handed over the Budget Implementation List (DIPA) and the List of Transfer Allocations to Regions and Village Funds (TKDD) in 2022 to the Regents/Mayor, Ministry/Institution Work Units, and the Heads of the Provincial Institutions, located in Jayang Tingang Hall, Governor’s Office, Palangka Raya on Wednesday (1/12/2021).
Also attending the DIPA handover ceremony were the Deputy Governor H. Edy Pratowo, Chairman of the Central Kalimantan Provincial House of the Representatives Wiyatno, Regional Military Commander 102/Pjg Brigadier General Yudianto Putrajaya, Acting Provincial Secretary Nuryakin, and Head of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPBN) in Central Kalimantan Hari Utomo.
The event which was held with due observance of the health protocols today was a quick follow-up to the hand over of the DIPA and the 2022 TKDD for Central Kalimantan Province by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo to Governor Sugianto Sabran on November 29, 2021 held virtually.
On this occasion, the hand over of the 2022 DIPA and TKDD was symbolically received from their respective locations by a number of Regents/Mayor and 19 representatives of Ministries/Institutions and Regional Apparatus Work Units in Central Kalimantan Provincial Government.
When delivering his directions, the Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran asked the Regents/Mayor to immediately distribute DIPA to all budget users, so that the management of budget expenditures for 2022 can be realized quickly, precisely, responsively, and effectively.
“To the Regents/Mayor throughout Central Kalimantan, I request that all the DIPA documents of Regencies/Municipality throughout Central Kalimantan in 2022 be immediately submitted to the Budget Users/Budget User Authorities in each Regency/Municipality throughout Central Kalimantan,” commanded the Governor Sugianto Sabran.
The governor also hopes that the auction process can start as soon as possible so that the kickoff can be carried out in the first week of January 2022, so that physical development projects, both in the Province and Regencies/Municipality, can also start immediately at the beginning of the year to encourage economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “So that the first quarter, our economy will improve because there are already spending from the Provincial Government and Regencies/Municipality in Central Kalimantan,” said the Governor.
Governor Sugianto Sabran then emphasized that the implementation of budget management must avoid various acts of corruption, so that it really brings the maximum benefit to the people of Central Kalimantan. “So, we anticipate cooperation with APH, APIP, so that there are preventive measures (corruption),” said the Governor.
Furthermore, the Governor again reminded to remain vigilant against the threat of COVID-19, by continuing to intensify the enforcement of Health Protocols, vaccinations, and 3T (Testing, Tracing, and Treatment). “So that we can anticipate and take steps to avoid the transmission of COVID-19. Of course we have to take massive and measurable steps so that COVID like it is now (still) sloping,” concluded the Governor.
Meanwhile, Central Kalimantan Regional Head of DJPBN Hari Utomo in his speech also conveyed the same hope as the Governor’s regarding the acceleration of the realization of DIPA and TKDD 2022. “We hope the DIPA and TKDD of Ministries/Institutions in 2022 can be immediately followed up so that activities can be carried out soon at the beginning of 2022, so the community can take the benefit from it,” said Hari Utomo.
The 2022 TKDD allocation for the Provincial and Regencies/Municipality Government in Central Kalimantan amounted to more than Rp. 15.987 trillion, consisting of Revenue Sharing Funds of Rp. 1.940 trillion, General Allocation Funds of Rp. 9.246 trillion, Physical Special Allocation Funds of Rp. 1.590 trillion, Non Physical Special Allocation Funds Rp 1.944 trillion, Regional Incentive Funds Rp 60.911 billion, and Village Funds Rp 1.204 trillion. Then, the allocation of APBN funds through DIPA of Ministries/Institutions amounted to more than Rp. 6.93 trillion.
Furthermore, on this occasion, Governor Sugianto Sabran received an award from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia which was handed over by the Head of the Central Kalimantan DJPBN Regional Office, Hari Utomo for the achievements of the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government which succeeded in maintaining an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) from BPK RI for 5 consecutive years or more. (set/bow/ translated by feb)