Covid-19 Task Force: Although Having Done with Vaccination, People are Expected to Remain Complying with Health Protocols

PALANGKA RAYA – EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION BUREAU. The Central Kalimantan Public Communications Team of Covid-19 Handling Task Force delivered a Press Release regarding the progress of handling the Covid-19 pandemic until Wednesday (19/01/2022) at 03.00 p.m.
In a statement released this time, the Covid-19 Handling Task Force said that if people have been vaccinated, health protocols must continue to be carried out, at least for 5 reasons: to protect themselves, protect others, prevent the emergence of new variants, stop the chain of virus spread, and keep the hospitals and Health Workers safe.
It is hoped that the entire community will remain disciplined in complying with health protocols by wearing masks properly, keeping a distance when interacting with other people, regularly washing hands with soap after touching objects, opening windows for better ventilation, and quickly covering mouths with folded elbows when coughing or sneezing. “Let’s take care of each other,” ask Covid-19 Handling Task Force.
Furthermore, the Central Kalimantan Covid-19 Task Force Team also conveyed an appeal that in addition to vaccination, the implementation of health protocols became a habit of life as a demand in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
5M healthy behavior is a very important prevention effort. Through the Covid-19 prevention strategy by Central Kalimantan Covid-19 Task Force for Behavior Change, the focus is on increasing 5M compliance. Everyone must be willing and able to make changes to 5M compliance behavior so that it can prevent the transmission of Covid-19.
Furthermore, the Central Kalimantan Covid-19 data development was conveyed today, there were no additional Confirmation Cases, so it remained 46,733 people. There was an addition of 1 patient recovered in East Kotawaringin, so from 45,140 people became 45,141 people. There was a decrease of 1 patient under treatment from 3 people to 2 people. No addition of death case so it remained 1,590 people with a mortality rate (CFR) of 3.4%.
Bed Occupancy in Hospitals (BOR), Intensive Beds did not experience a change in Bed Occupancy (0.00%), so that it became 2.38%, where there was no Regency/Municipality whose BOR was above 50%, while Isolation Beds experienced a decrease in Bed Occupancy (0.09%), from 0.43% to 0.52%, where there is no Regency/Municipality whose BOR is above 50%.
Vaccination target achievement was 2,036,104, the realization of Dose I Vaccination for Central Kalimantan Province has reached 83.83%. All regencies/municipality have achieved more than 70% of dose I vaccination. Vaccination achievement for Teachers and Education Personnel, high schools (SMA), Vocational High Schools and equivalent (SMK), the realization of PNS/GTT/PTT Vaccinations did not increase so that it remained at 6,258 or 79.01%, and Dose I for SMA/SMK did not increase so that it remained at 73,202 or 76,95%, and there is no addition of dose II for SMA/SMK so it remained at 32,403 or 34.06%. (win/ feb)