Covid-19 Task Force: Omicron Variant Spreads Faster Than Other Covid-19 Variants

PALANGKA RAYA – EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION BUREAU. The Public Communications Team of Central Kalimantan Covid-19 Handling Task Force delivered a Press Release regarding the progress of handling the Covid-19 pandemic until Thursday (10/02/2022) at 15.00 p.m.
In a statement released this time, the Covid-19 Handling Task Force said that the Omicron variant spreads faster than other Covid-19 variants, but with milder symptoms or tends to be asymptomatic.
Furthermore, he said, “If you are confirmed positive but have mild or no symptoms, don’t rush to the hospital. Prioritize self-isolation, report to health center and use telemedicine services if available. Self-isolation can reduce the burden on hospitals and health workers. In addition, it is also possible to use centralized isolation facilities prepared in each area. Stay disciplined with health protocols to take care of yourself and your family. Immediately complete vaccinations, especially for the elderly and children,” the Task Force Team urged.
Until now, the addition of new confirmed cases always occurs every day in Central Kalimantan. It has the potential to continue to happen if people are not disciplined in implementing health protocols in their daily activities. Therefore, the Central Kalimantan Covid-19 Task Force Team hopes that all Central Kalimantan people will continue to be disciplined in implementing health protocols as a form of adaptation to new habits in daily activities.
Furthermore, the Covid-19 data for Central Kalimantan was conveyed today, where Confirmation Cases have increased by 157 people, namely in Palangka Raya (72 people), Katingan (12 people), East Kotawaringin (11 people), West Kotawaringin (3 people), Lamandau (2 people), Seruyan (5 people), Kapuas (35 people), Gunung Mas (5 people), South Barito (5 people), East Barito (2 people), North Barito (4 people), and Murung Raya (1 person), so from 47,217 people to 47,374 people.
There were 5 patients recovered, namely in West Kotawaringin (3 people), Kapuas (1 person), and East Barito (1 person), the total was 45,194 people. There were 151 patients under treatment, so from 434 people to 585 people. There was 1 case of death, namely in East Kotawaringin, so from 1,594 people to 1,595 people, with a death rate (CFR) of 3.4%.
For Bed Occupancy in Hospitals (BOR), Intensive Beds got an increase in Bed Occupancy (2.56%), so from 23.08% to 25.64%, in which no Regency/Municipality had BOR above 50%, while Insulation Beds got an increase in Bed Occupancy (1.62%), so from 8.71% to 10.33%, where there was no Regency/Municipality with BOR above 50%.
For the achievement of the vaccination target of 2,036,104, the realization of Dose I Vaccination for Central Kalimantan Province has reached 89.96%. All regencies/municipality have achieved above 70% of Dose I Vaccination.
According to Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 07 of 2022 dated January 31, 2022 concerning the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities at Level 3, Level 2, and Level 1 and Optimizing the Command Post for Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 at the Village and Sub-District Levels to Control the Transmission of Corona Virus Disease 2019 for regions of Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua, for regencies/municipality in Central Kalimantan Province, there are two criteria, namely Level 1 and Level 2 (valid until February 14, 2022). The regencies/municipality with these criteria include: Level 1 consisted of West Kotawaringin, South Barito, North Barito, Katingan, Sukamara, Pulang Pisau, and East Barito; and Level 2 consisted of East Kotawaringin, Kapuas, Seruyan, Lamandau, Gunung Mas, Murung Raya, and Palangka Raya. (win/transl.feb)